Messer ChupsRU [ABGESAGT]

Bad bad news: Leider müssen wir die Show absagen. Aufgrund von Terminkollisionen seitens Band/Booking-Agentur/Management. Wir entschuldigen uns für die schlechte Nachricht und hoffen die Show möglichst bald nachholen zu können.
Statement seitens Booking-Agentur:
Due to a misunderstanding in the band's schedule, Messer Chups had to cancel the show on the 17th of May. The band apologizes to the promoter and their fans and hopes to return as soon as possible !!!! Take care
Messer Chups are something of an institution these days, leading the way in the surf scene they have dominated the sound for the last few years with their unique blend of reverb laden surf and tremolo heavy riffs lifted from classic rockabilly.
While Messer Chups mostly instrumental sound is hard to neatly categorize, its safe to say that it would be embraced by fans of rockabilly, horror punk, vintage surf records, Italian slasher films, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, Pulp Fiction, lounge music, the theremin, The Cramps, and the theme song from The Munsters. Their catchy music combines surf, vintage Russian melodies, rare film samples from the 50s and 60s, scratchy historical recordings, and lounge loops. Live, they explode with garage-punk intensity, all played against a video-collage backdrop of mid-century trashy cult and horror movie clips featuring Russ Meyer and Ed Wood, and superstars like Vampira and Bela Lugosi in a zombie mash-up.
The band was formed in 1998 in Hamburg by composer and guitarist Oleg Gitarkin (Guitaracula). In 2003 they invited the world famous theremin player Lydia Kavina to join them. Kavina’s grand-uncle was a Russian theremin inventor Leon Theremin, whose instrument had become a fixture in the same early horror films that Guitaracula has admired. Together they have released several albums and reworked their previous releases.
In 2005 the band was joined by a bass player and a singer Zombie Girl (Zombierella). Changing multiple members through the years, nowadays the band consists of:
Oleg Guitaracula (guitar), Svetlana Zombierella (bass), Evgeny Lomakin (aka Rocking Eugene, drums).
They performed all over Europe, having multiple tours in US, UK, Mexico, China etc. The band discography consists of around 20 albums and personal compilations.